
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

I descided to link up again with the Undomestic Momma to share some of my fav healthy treats!

Lately I've been loving french vanilla yogurt with a crunched up Natures Valley granola bar in it. I'm really weird about food texture so I have a really hard time eating yogurt by itself, so with the added crunch from the granola bar I actually really like it! And... I don't gag when I eat it! HA!

Some of the great benefits of yogurt are lots of vitamin D and Calcium, it's good for your tummy/digestion, and great for helping with weight loss!

Since I have started trying to eat better I have been trying very hard to add more fruits and veggies into my diet. I've been doing really good at having a salad for dinner, but I typically get hungry again for a snack before bed. I usually want something sweet so I've been having an apple and peanut butter! I use to eat this all the time when I was little and I'm glad I started back because I love it! It's very feeling and cures my sweet tooth!

Another snack I can't live without is pickles. I typically crave salty foods and those are not usually very low cal. 1 pickle spear only has 5 calories (dependent on brand of course)! There's definitely a lot of salt in them, but I figure it cures my salty craving without chowing down a whole bag of chips or popcorn!

Happy Tuesday!


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