I started Level 3 on Saturday and let me tell I couldn't have been happier to put Level 2 behind me. That mess was TORTURE! It definitely got easier, but there were just some moves in that level that were the bane of my existence...
Level 3 is tough, but I like it better. I can feel it working which makes me feel Ah-mazing! I'm amazed that I can actually feel biceps, I've never had hard biceps before! I keep flexing and making everyone feel them! Ha! I just can't believe it! My waistline is also shrinking, I went suit shopping on Sunday and needed a size smaller in the jacket and pants that normally are really tight around my waist are loose!
My only issue with The Shred, is that the scale isn't moving. I know I'm gaining a lot of muscle, I can see it, especially in my thighs and upper arms, but it would be nice to see that pesky little number decrease a lil bit.
Overall I love The Shred. It's only 25 minutes and it works! It's been a great motivator to have each day written in my planner, I'm too OCD to scratch it out and rewrite it and I also get really excited when I get to work in the morning and I get to highlight that it's been done (dorky, I know)! I still can't believe that I have worked out for 22 days in a row! Crazy! Just crazy!
Now I'm trying to decide what to do next. I've really fallen off the running bandwagon, so I was thinking about starting 10K training again. I was also thinking about doing another Jillian Michael's DVD or trying Insanity again. I'm leaning towards Insanity. Has anyone tried it? Completed it? I started it before I got married and couldn't even get past 2 weeks... :-/ It hurt way too bad, but I think with the plyometric training in The Shred I will be much more prepared.